TryHackMe: Linux Fundamentals Part 2 Walkthrough

Hello everyone,
I welcome you all to the walkthrough for the Linux Fundamentals Part 2 Lab at TryHackMe. You can access this lab through the link given below:
Task 1: Intro
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 2: SSH-Intro
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 3: Putty and SSH
- SSH into server
No answer needed
Task 4: [Section 4: Linux Operators]: “&&”
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 5: [Section 4: Linux Operators]: “&”
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 6: [Section 4: Linux Operators]: “$”
- How would you set nootnoot equal to 1111
export nootnoot=1111 - What is the value of the home environment variable
Task 7:[Section 4: Linux Operators]: “|”
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 8: [Section 4: Linux Operators] — “;”
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 9: [Section 4: Linux Operators]: “>”
- How would you output twenty to a file called test
echo twenty > test
Task 10: [Section 4: Linux Operators]: “>>”
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 11: Binary — shiba2
- What is shiba3’s password?
Task 12: [Section 5 — Advanced File Operations]: Intro
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 13 [Section 5 — Advanced File Operators]: A bit of background.
- Read the above
No answer needed
Task 14: [Section 5: Advanced File Operations]: chown
- How would you change the owner of file to paradox
chown paradox file - What about the owner and the group of file to paradox
chown paradox:paradox file - What flag allows you to operate on every file in the directory at once?
Task 15: [Section 5: Advanced File Operations]: chmod
- What permissions mean the user can read the file, the group can read and write to the file, and no one else can read, write or execute the file?
460 - What permissions mean the user can read, write, and execute the file, the group can read, write, and execute the file, and everyone else can read, write, and execute the file.
Task 16: [Section 5: Advanced File Operations]: rm
- What flag deletes every file in a directory
-r - How do you suppress all warning prompts
Task 17: [Section 5: Advanced File Operations]: mv
- How would you move file to /tmp
mv file /tmp
Task 18: Linux Fundamentals 3
Join the Linux Fundamentals 3 room.
This was all from my side regarding this room. If you face any issues while completing this room feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this article then you can follow me on medium for further updates. Your suggestions are always welcomed in the comment section.
Happy Hacking!